Package 'tidyxl'

Title: Read Untidy Excel Files
Description: Imports non-tabular from Excel files into R. Exposes cell content, position and formatting in a tidy structure for further manipulation. Tokenizes Excel formulas. Supports '.xlsx' and '.xlsm' via the embedded 'RapidXML' C++ library <>. Does not support '.xlsb' or '.xls'.
Authors: Duncan Garmonsway [aut, cre], Hadley Wickham [ctb] (Author of included readxl fragments), Jenny Bryan [ctb] (Author of included readxl fragments), RStudio [cph] (Copyright holder of included readxl fragments), Marcin Kalicinski [ctb, cph] (Author of included RapidXML code)
Maintainer: Duncan Garmonsway <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 1.0.10
Built: 2025-02-18 05:28:06 UTC

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tidyxl: Import xlsx (Excel) spreadsheet data and formatting into tidy structures.


Tidyxl imports data from spreadsheets without coercing it into a rectangle, and retains information encoded in cell formatting (e.g. font/fill/border). This data structure is compatible with the 'unpivotr' package for recognising information expressed by relative cell positions and cell formatting, and re-expressing it in a tidy way.



Maintainer: Duncan Garmonsway [email protected]

Other contributors:

  • Hadley Wickham (Author of included readxl fragments) [contributor]

  • Jenny Bryan (Author of included readxl fragments) [contributor]

  • RStudio (Copyright holder of included readxl fragments) [copyright holder]

  • Marcin Kalicinski (Author of included RapidXML code) [contributor, copyright holder]

See Also

Useful links:

Names of all Excel functions


A dataset containing the names of all functions available in Excel. This is useful for identifying user-defined functions in formulas tokenized by xlex().




A character vector of length 600.


Note that this includes future function names that are already reserved.


Pages 26–27 of Microsoft's document "Excel (.xlsx) extensions to the office openxml spreadsheetml file format p.24", revision 8.0 2017-06-20.

Test that Excel number formats are date formats


is_date_format() tests whether an Excel number format string would a resolve to a date in Excel. For example, the number format string "yyyy-mm-dd" would resolve to a date, whereas the string "0.0\\%" would not.

This is useful if a cell formula contains a number formatting string (e.g. TEXT(45678,"yyyy")), and you need to know that the constant 45678 is a date in order to recover it at full resolution (rather than parsing the character output "2025" as a year).

It is used internally to convert the value of a cell to the correct data type.





character vector of number format strings


is_date_format(c("yyyy-mm-dd", "0.0%", "h:m:s", "£#,##0;[Red]-£#,##0"))

Test that Excel formulas are ranges


is_range() tests whether or not an Excel formula is a range. A formula like A1 is a range, whereas a formula like MAX(A1,2) is not. Formulas are not evaluated, so it returns FALSE for formulas that would eventually resolve to arrange (e.g. INDEX(A1:A10,2)) but that are not immediately a range.





character vector of formulas


x <- c("A1", "Sheet1!A1", "[0]Sheet1!A1", "A1,A2", "A:A 3:3", "MAX(A1,2)")

Determine file format


Whether a file may be be xlsx, xlsm, xltx or xltm (rather than xls or xlt), based on the file signature or "magic number", rather than the filename extension.





File path


Only 'maybe', not 'is', because the xlsx magic number is common to all zip files, not specific to xlsx files. The inverse, 'is_xls' isn't possible either, because the xls magic number is common to other Microsoft Office files such as .doc and .ppt.

This uses some logic from Jenny Bryan's commit to the readxl package.




examples_xlsx <- system.file("extdata/examples.xlsx", package = "tidyxl")
examples_xlsm <- system.file("extdata/examples.xlsm", package = "tidyxl")
examples_xltx <- system.file("extdata/examples.xltx", package = "tidyxl")
examples_xltm <- system.file("extdata/examples.xltm", package = "tidyxl")
examples_xlsb <- system.file("extdata/examples.xlsb", package = "tidyxl")
examples_xls <- system.file("extdata/examples.xls", package = "tidyxl")


Import xlsx (Excel) cell contents into a tidy structure.


tidy_xlsx() is deprecated. Please use xlsx_cells() or xlsx_formats() instead.

tidy_xlsx() imports data from spreadsheets without coercing it into a rectangle. Each cell is represented by a row in a data frame, giving the cell's address, contents, formula, height, width, and keys to look up the cell's formatting in an adjacent data structure within the list returned by this function.


tidy_xlsx(path, sheets = NA)



Path to the xlsx file.


Sheets to read. Either a character vector (the names of the sheets), an integer vector (the positions of the sheets), or NA (default, all sheets).


A cell has two 'values': its content, and sometimes also a formula. It also has formatting applied at the 'style' level, which can be locally overridden.


Depending on the cell, the content may be a numeric value such as 365 or 365.25, it may represent a date/datetime in one of Excel's date/datetime systems, or it may be an index into an internal table of strings. tidy_xlsx() attempts to infer the correct data type of each cell, returning its value in the appropriate column (error, logical, numeric, date, character). In case this cleverness is unhelpful, the unparsed value and type information is available in the 'content' and 'type' columns.


When a cell has a formula, the value in the 'content' column is the result of the formula the last time it was evaluated.

Certain groups of cells may share a formula that differs only by addresses referred to in the formula; such groups are identified by an index, the 'formula_group'. The xlsx (Excel) file format only records the formula against one cell in any group, but tidy_xlsx() propagates the formula to all the cells in the group, making the necessary changes to relative addresses in the formula.

Array formulas may also apply to a group of cells, identified by an address 'formula_ref', but xlsx (Excel) file format only records the formula against one cell in the group. Unlike ordinary formulas, tidy_xlsx() does not propagate these to the other cells in the group.

Formulas that refer to other workbooks currently do not name the workbooks directly, instead via indices such as ⁠[1]⁠. It is planned to dereference these.


Cell formatting is returned in x$formats. There are two types of formatting: 'style' formatting, such as Excel's built-in styles 'normal', 'bad', etc., and 'local' formatting, which overrides the style. These are returned in x$formats$style and x$formats$local, with identical structures. To look up the local formatting of a given cell, take the cell's 'local_format_id' value (x$data$Sheet1[1, "local_format_id"]), and use it as an index into the format structure. E.g. to look up the font size, x$formats$local$font$size[local_format_id]. To see all available formats, type str(x$formats$local).


A list of the data within each sheet (⁠$data⁠), and the formatting applied to each cell (⁠$formats⁠).

Each sheet's data is returned as a data frames, one per sheet, by the sheet name. For example, the data in a sheet named 'My Worksheet' is in x$data$⁠My Worksheet⁠. Each data frame has the following columns:

  • address The cell address in A1 notation.

  • row The row number of a cell address (integer).

  • col The column number of a cell address (integer).

  • is_blank Whether or not the cell has a value

  • data_type The type of a cell, referring to the following columns: error, logical, numeric, date, character, blank.

  • error The error value of a cell.

  • logical The boolean value of a cell.

  • numeric The numeric value of a cell.

  • date The date value of a cell.

  • character The string value of a cell.

  • character_formatted A data frame of substrings and their individual formatting.

  • formula The formula in a cell (see 'Details').

  • is_array Whether or not the formula is an array formula.

  • formula_ref The address of a range of cells group to which an array formula or shared formula applies (see 'Details').

  • formula_group The formula group to which the cell belongs (see 'Details').

  • comment The text of a comment attached to a cell.

  • height The height of a cell's row, in Excel's units.

  • width The width of a cell's column, in Excel's units.

  • style_format An index into a table of style formats x$formats$style (see 'Details').

  • local_format_id An index into a table of local cell formats x$formats$local (see 'Details').


When a cell has a formula, the value in the 'content' column is the result of the formula the last time it was evaluated.

Certain groups of cells may share a formula that differs only by addresses referred to in the formula; such groups are identified by an index, the 'formula_group'. The xlsx (Excel) file format only records the formula against one cell in any group. xlsx_cells() propagates such formulas to the other cells in a group, making the necessary changes to relative addresses in the formula.

Array formulas may also apply to a group of cells, identified by an address 'formula_ref', but xlsx (Excel) file format only records the formula against one cell in the group. xlsx_cells() propagates such formulas to the other cells in a group. Unlike shared formulas, no changes to addresses in array formulas are necessary.

Formulas that refer to other workbooks currently do not name the workbooks directly, instead via indices such as ⁠[1]⁠. It is planned to dereference these.


Cell formatting is returned in x$formats. There are two types or scopes of formatting: 'style' formatting, such as Excel's built-in styles 'normal', 'bad', etc., and 'local' formatting, which overrides particular elements of the style, e.g. by making it bold. Both types of are returned in x$formats$style and x$formats$local, with identical structures. To look up the local formatting of a given cell, take the cell's 'local_format_id' value (x$data$Sheet1[1, "local_format_id"]), and use it as an index into the format structure. E.g. to look up the font size, x$formats$local$font$size[local_format_id]. To see all available formats, type str(x$formats$local).

Colours may be recorded in any of three ways: a hexadecimal RGB string with or without alpha, an 'indexed' colour, and an index into a 'theme'. tidy_xlsx dereferences 'indexed' and 'theme' colours to their hexadecimal RGB string representation, and standardises all RGB strings to have an alpha channel in the first two characters. The 'index' and the 'theme' name are still provided. To filter by an RGB string, you could look up the RGB values in a spreadsheet program (e.g. Excel, LibreOffice, Gnumeric), and use the grDevices::rgb() function to convert these to a hexadecimal string. Put the alpha value in first, e.g.

A <- 1; R <- 0.5; G <- 0; B <- 0
rgb(A, R, G, B)
# [1] "#FF800000"

Strings can be formatted within a cell, so that a single cell can contain substrings with different formatting. This in-cell formatting is available in the column character_formatted, which is a list-column of data frames. Each row of each data frame describes a substring and its formatting. For cells without a character value, character_formatted is NULL, so for further processing you might need to filter out the NULLs first.


## Not run: 
examples <- system.file("extdata/examples.xlsx", package = "tidyxl")

# All sheets

# Specific sheet either by position or by name
str(tidy_xlsx(examples, 2)$data)
str(tidy_xlsx(examples, "Sheet1")$data)

# Data (cell values)
x <- tidy_xlsx(examples)

# Formatting

# The formats of particular cells can be retrieved like this:

Sheet1 <- x$data$Sheet1

# To filter for cells of a particular format, first filter the formats to get
# the relevant indices, and then filter the cells by those indices.
bold_indices <- which(x$formats$local$font$bold)
Sheet1[Sheet1$local_format_id %in% bold_indices, ]

# In-cell formatting is available in the `character_formatted` column as a
# data frame, one row per substring.

## End(Not run)

Parse xlsx (Excel) formulas into tokens


xlex takes an Excel formula and separates it into tokens. The name is a bad pun on 'Excel' and 'lexer'. It returns a dataframe, one row per token, giving the token itself, its type (e.g. number, or error), and its level.

The level is a number to show the depth of a token within nested function calls. The token A2 in the formula IF(A1=1,A2,MAX(A3,A4)) is at level 1. Tokens A3 and A4 are at level 2. The token IF is at level 0, which is the outermost level.

The output isn't enough to enable computation or validation of formulas, but it is enough to investigate the structure of formulas and spreadsheets. It has been tested on millions of formulas in the Enron corpus.





Character vector of length 1, giving the formula.


The different types of tokens are:

  • ref A cell reference/address e.g. A1 or ⁠$B2:C$14⁠.

  • sheetA sheet name, e.g. ⁠Sheet1!⁠ or ⁠'My Sheet'!⁠. If the sheet is from a different file, then the file is included in this token – usually it has been normalized to the form ⁠[0]⁠.

  • name A named range, or more properly a named formula.

  • function An Excel or user-defined function, e.g. MAX or ⁠_xll.MY_CUSTOM_FUNCTION⁠. A complete list of official Excel functions is available in the vector excel_functions.

  • error An error, e.g. ⁠#N/A⁠ or ⁠#REF!⁠.

  • bool TRUE or FALSE – note that there are also functions TRUE() and FALSE().

  • number All forms of numbers, e.g. 1, 1.1, -1, 1.2E3.

  • text Strings inside double quotes, e.g. "Hello, World!".

  • operator The usual infix operators, +, -, *, /, ^, <, <=, ⁠<>⁠, etc. and also the range operator : when it is used with ranges that aren't cell addresses, e.g. INDEX(something):A1. The union operator ⁠,⁠ is the same symbol that is used to separate function arguments and array columns, so it is only tagged operator when it is inside parentheses that are not function parentheses or array curly braces (see the examples).

  • paren_open An open parenthesis ( indicating an increase in the level of nesting, but not directly enclosing function arguments.

  • paren_close As open, but reducing the level of nesting.

  • open_array An open curly brace '{' indicating the start of an array of constants, and an increase in the level of nesting.

  • close_array As open_array, but ending the array of constants

  • fun_open An open parenthesis ( immediately after a function name, directly enclosing the function arguments.

  • fun_close As fun_open but immediately after the function arguments.

  • separator A comma ⁠,⁠ separating function arguments or array columns, or a semicolon ⁠;⁠ separating array rows.

  • DDE A call to a Dynamic Data Exchange server, usually normalized to the form ⁠[1]!'DDE_parameter=1'⁠, but the full form is ⁠'ABCD'|'EFGH'!'IJKL'⁠.

  • space Some old files haven't stripped formulas of meaningless spaces. They are returned as space tokens so that the original formula can always be reconstructed by concatenating all tokens.

  • other If you see this, then something has gone wrong – please report it at with a reproducible example (e.g. using the reprex package).

Every part of the original formula is returned as a token, so the original formula can be reconstructed by concatenating the tokens. If that doesn't work, please report it at with a reproducible example (e.g. using the reprex package).

The XLParser project was a great help in creating the grammar.


A data frame (a tibble, if you use the tidyverse) one row per token, giving the token itself, its type (e.g. number, or error), and its level.

A class attribute xlex is added, so that the base::print() generic can be specialised to print the tree prettily.


# All explicit cell references/addresses are returned as a single 'ref' token.
xlex("1:1") # Whole row
xlex("A:B") # Whole column

# If one part of an address is a name or a function, then the colon ':' is
# regarded as a 'range operator', so is tagged 'operator'.

# Sheet names are recognised by the terminal exclamation mark '!'.
xlex("'Sheet 1'!A1")       # Quoted names may contain some punctuation
xlex("'It''s a sheet'!A1") # Quotes are escaped by doubling

# Sheets can be ranged together in so-called 'three-dimensional formulas'.
# Both sheets are returned in a single 'sheet' token.
xlex("'Sheet 1:Sheet 2'!A1") # Quotes surround both (rather than each) sheet

# Sheets from other files are prefixed by the filename, which Excel
# normalizes the filenames into indexes.  Either way, xlex() includes the
# file/index in the 'sheet' token.
xlex("'[1]Sheet 1'!A1") # Quotes surround both the file index and the sheet
xlex("'C:\\My Documents\\[file.xlsx]Sheet1'!A1")

# Function names are recognised by the terminal open-parenthesis '('.  There
# is no distinction between custom functions and built-in Excel functions.
# The open-parenthesis is tagged 'fun_open', and the corresponding
# close-parenthesis at the end of the arguments is tagged 'fun_close'.

# Named ranges (properly called 'named formulas') are a last resort after
# attempting to match a function (ending in an open parenthesis '(') or a
# sheet (ending in an exclamation mark '!')

# Some cell addresses/references, functions and names can look alike, but
# xlex() should always make the right choice.
xlex("XFD1")     # A cell in the maximum column in Excel
xlex("XFE1")     # Beyond the maximum column, must be a named range/formula
xlex("A1048576") # A cell in the maximum row in Excel
xlex("A1048577") # Beyond the maximum row, must be a named range/formula
xlex("LOG10")    # A cell address
xlex("LOG10()")  # A log function
xlex("LOG:LOG")  # The whole column 'LOG'
xlex("LOG")      # Not a cell address, must be a named range/formula
xlex("LOG()")    # Another log function
xlex("A1.2!A1")  # A sheet called 'A1.2'

# Text is surrounded by double-quotes.
xlex("\"Some text\"")
xlex("\"Some \"\"text\"\"\"") # Double-quotes within text are escaped by

# Numbers are signed where it makes sense, and can be scientific

# Booleans can be constants or functions, and names can look like booleans,
# but xlex() should always make the right choice.

# Errors are tagged 'error'

# Operators with more than one character are treated as single tokens
xlex("1 2")
xlex("1%")   # postfix operator

# The union operator is a comma ',', which is the same symbol that is used
# to separate function arguments or array columns.  It is tagged 'operator'
# only when it is inside parentheses that are not function parentheses or
# array curly braces.  The curly braces are tagged 'array_open' and
# 'array_close'.
tidyxl::xlex("A1,B2") # invalid formula, defaults to 'union' to avoid a crash

# Function arguments are separated by commas ',', which are tagged
# 'separator'.

# Nested functions are marked by an increase in the 'level'.  The level
# increases inside parentheses, rather than at the parentheses.  Curly
# braces, for arrays, have the same behaviour, as do subexpressions inside
# ordinary parenthesis, tagged 'paren_open' and 'paren_close'.  To see the
# levels explicitly (rather than by the pretty printing), print as a normal
# data frame or tibble by specifying `pretty = FALSE`.
# class with
print(xlex("1*(2+3)"), pretty = FALSE)

# Arrays are marked by opening and closing curly braces, with comma ','
# between columns, and semicolons ';' between rows  Commas and semicolons are
# both tagged 'separator'.  Arrays contain only constants, which are
# booleans, numbers, text, and errors.
xlex("=MAX({-1E-2,TRUE;#N/A,\"Hello, World!\"})")

# Structured references are surrounded by square brackets.  Subexpressions
# may also be surrounded by square brackets, but xlex() returns the whole
# expression in a single 'structured_ref' token.

# DDE calls (Dynamic Data Exchange) are normalized by Excel into indexes.
# Either way, xlex() includes everything in one token.
# Meaningless spaces that appear in some old files are returned as 'space'
# tokens, so that the original formula can still be recovered by
# concatenating all the tokens.  Spaces between function names and their open
# parenthesis have not been observed, so are not permitted.
xlex(" MAX( A1 ) ")

# print.xlex() invisibly returns the original argument, so that it can be
# used in magrittr pipelines.

Import xlsx (Excel) cell contents into a tidy structure.


xlsx_cells() imports data from spreadsheets without coercing it into a rectangle. Each cell is represented by a row in a data frame, giving the cell's address, contents, formula, height, width, and keys to look up the cell's formatting in the return value of xlsx_formats().


  sheets = NA,
  check_filetype = TRUE,
  include_blank_cells = TRUE



Path to the xlsx file.


Sheets to read. Either a character vector (the names of the sheets), an integer vector (the positions of the sheets), or NA (default, all sheets).


Logical. Whether to check that the filetype is xlsx (or xlsm) by looking at the file itself, rather than using the filename extension.


Logical. Whether to include cells that have no value or formula (but might have formatting or comments). Useful when a whole column of cells has been formatted, but most are empty. Try setting this to FALSE if a spreadsheet seems too large to load.


A cell has two 'values': its content, and sometimes also a formula. It also has formatting applied at the 'style' level, which can be locally overridden.


Depending on the cell, the content may be a numeric value such as 365 or 365.25, it may represent a date/datetime in one of Excel's date/datetime systems, or it may be an index into an internal table of strings. xlsx_cells() attempts to infer the correct data type of each cell, returning its value in the appropriate column (error, logical, numeric, date, character). In case this cleverness is unhelpful, the unparsed value and type information is available in the 'content' and 'data_type' columns.


When a cell has a formula, the value in the 'content' column is the result of the formula the last time it was evaluated.

Certain groups of cells may share a formula that differs only by addresses referred to in the formula; such groups are identified by an index, the 'formula_group'. The xlsx (Excel) file format only records the formula against one cell in any group. xlsx_cells() propagates such formulas to the other cells in a group, making the necessary changes to relative addresses in the formula.

Array formulas may also apply to a group of cells, identified by an address 'formula_ref', but xlsx (Excel) file format only records the formula against one cell in the group. xlsx_cells() propagates such formulas to the other cells in a group. Unlike shared formulas, no changes to addresses in array formulas are necessary.

Formulas that refer to other workbooks currently do not name the workbooks directly, instead via indices such as ⁠[1]⁠. It is planned to dereference these.


Cell formatting is returned by xlsx_formats(). There are two types of formatting: 'style' formatting, such as Excel's built-in styles 'normal', 'bad', etc., and 'local' formatting, which overrides the style. These are returned in the ⁠$style⁠ and ⁠$local⁠ sublists of xlsx_formats(), with identical structures.

To look up the local formatting of a given cell, take the cell's local_format_id value (my_cells$Sheet1[1, "local_format_id"]), and use it as an index into the format structure. E.g. to look up the font size, my_formats$local$font$size[local_format_id]. To see all available formats, type str(my_formats$local).

Strings can be formatted within a cell, so that a single cell can contain substrings with different formatting. This in-cell formatting is available in the column character_formatted, which is a list-column of data frames. Each row of each data frame describes a substring and its formatting. For cells without a character value, character_formatted is NULL, so for further processing you might need to filter out the NULLs first.


A data frame with the following columns.

  • sheet The worksheet that the cell is from.

  • address The cell address in A1 notation.

  • row The row number of a cell address (integer).

  • col The column number of a cell address (integer).

  • is_blank Whether or not the cell has a value

  • content Raw cell value before type conversion, useful for debugging.

  • data_type The type of a cell, referring to the following columns: error, logical, numeric, date, character, blank.

  • error The error value of a cell.

  • logical The boolean value of a cell.

  • numeric The numeric value of a cell.

  • date The date value of a cell.

  • character The string value of a cell.

  • formula The formula in a cell (see 'Details').

  • is_array Whether or not the formula is an array formula.

  • formula_ref The address of a range of cells group to which an array formula or shared formula applies (see 'Details').

  • formula_group The formula group to which the cell belongs (see 'Details').

  • comment The text of a comment attached to a cell.

  • height The height of a cell's row, in Excel's units.

  • width The width of a cell's column, in Excel's units.

  • row_outline_level The outline level of a cells's row.

  • col_outline_level The outline level of a cells's column.

  • style_format An index into a table of style formats x$formats$style (see 'Details').

  • local_format_id An index into a table of local cell formats x$formats$local (see 'Details').

Cell formatting is returned in xlsx_formats(). There are two types or scopes of formatting: 'style' formatting, such as Excel's built-in styles 'normal', 'bad', etc., and 'local' formatting, which overrides particular elements of the style, e.g. by making it bold. Both types are returned, in the ⁠$style⁠ and ⁠$local⁠ sublists of xlsx_formats(), with identical structures. To look up the local formatting of a given cell, take the cell's 'local_format_id' value (my_cells$data$Sheet1[1, "local_format_id"]), and use it as an index into the format structure. E.g. to look up the font size, my_formats$local$font$size[local_format_id]. To see all available formats, type str(my_formats$local).


examples <- system.file("extdata/examples.xlsx", package = "tidyxl")

# All sheets

# Specific sheet either by position or by name
str(xlsx_cells(examples, 2))
str(xlsx_cells(examples, "Sheet1"))

# The formats of particular cells can be retrieved like this:

Sheet1 <- xlsx_cells(examples, "Sheet1")
formats <- xlsx_formats(examples)


# To filter for cells of a particular format, first filter the formats to get
# the relevant indices, and then filter the cells by those indices.
bold_indices <- which(formats$local$font$bold)
Sheet1[Sheet1$local_format_id %in% bold_indices, ]

# In-cell formatting is available in the `character_formatted` column as a
# data frame, one row per substring.

Names and RGB values of Excel standard colours


A dataset containing the names and RGB colour values of Excel's standard palette.





A data frame with 10 rows and 2 variables:

  • name Name of the colour

  • rgb RGB value of the colour

An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 10 rows and 2 columns.

Import theme color definitions from xlsx (Excel) files


xlsx_color_theme() (alias xlsx_colour_theme() returns the names and RGB values of theme colours defined in xlsx (Excel) files. For example, "accent6" is the name of a theme colour in Excel, which could resolve to any RGB colour defined by the author of the file. Themes are often defined to comply with corporate standards.


xlsx_color_theme(path, check_filetype = TRUE)

xlsx_colour_theme(path, check_filetype = TRUE)



Path to the xlsx file.


Logical. Whether to check that the filetype is xlsx (or xlsm) by looking at the file itself, rather than using the filename extension.


A data frame, one row per colour, with the following columns.

  • name The name of the theme.

  • rgb The RGB colour that has been set for the theme in this file.


examples <- system.file("extdata/examples.xlsx", package = "tidyxl")

Import xlsx (Excel) formatting definitions.


xlsx_formats() imports formatting definitions from spreadsheets. The structure is a nested list, e.g. bold is a vector within the list font, which is within the list local, which is within the list returned by xlsx_formats(). You can look up a cell's formatting by indexing the bottom-level vectors. See 'Details' for examples.


xlsx_formats(path, check_filetype = TRUE)



Path to the xlsx file.


Logical. Whether to check that the filetype is xlsx (or xlsm) by looking at the file itself, rather than using the filename extension.


There are two types of formatting: 'style' formatting, such as Excel's built-in styles 'normal', 'bad', etc., and 'local' formatting, which overrides the style. These are returned in the ⁠$style⁠ and ⁠$local⁠ sublists of xlsx_formats(), with identical structures.

To look up the local formatting of a given cell, take the cell's local_format_id value (my_cells$Sheet1[1, "local_format_id"]), and use it as an index into the format structure. E.g. to look up the font size, my_formats$local$font$size[local_format_id]. To see all available formats, type str(my_formats$local).

Colours may be recorded in any of three ways: a hexadecimal RGB string with or without alpha, an 'indexed' colour, and an index into a 'theme'. xlsx_formats() dereferences 'indexed' and 'theme' colours to their hexadecimal RGB string representation, and standardises all RGB strings to have an alpha channel in the first two characters. The 'index' and the 'theme' name are still provided. To filter by an RGB string, you could look up the RGB values in a spreadsheet program (e.g. Excel, LibreOffice, Gnumeric), and use the grDevices::rgb() function to convert these to a hexadecimal string.

A <- 1; R <- 0.5; G <- 0; B <- 0
rgb(A, R, G, B)
# [1] "#FF800000"


A nested list of vectors, beginning at the top level with ⁠$style⁠ and ⁠$local⁠, then drilling down to the vectors that hold the definitions. E.g. my_formats$local$font$size.


examples <- system.file("extdata/examples.xlsx", package = "tidyxl")

# The formats of particular cells can be retrieved like this:

cells <- xlsx_cells(examples)
formats <- xlsx_formats(examples)


# To filter for cells of a particular format, first filter the formats to get
# the relevant indices, and then filter the cells by those indices.
bold_indices <- which(formats$local$font$bold)
cells[cells$local_format_id %in% bold_indices, ]

Import named formulas from xlsx (Excel) files


xlsx_names() returns the names and definitions of named formulas (aka named ranges) in xlsx (Excel) files.

Most names refer to ranges of cells, but they can also be defined as formulas. xlsx_names() tells you whether or not they are a range, using is_range() to work this out.

Names are scoped either globally (used only once in the file), or locally to each sheet (can be reused with different definitions in different sheets). For sheet-scoped names, xlsx_names() provides the name of the sheet.


xlsx_names(path, check_filetype = TRUE)



Path to the xlsx file.


Logical. Whether to check that the filetype is xlsx (or xlsm) by looking at the file itself, rather than using the filename extension.


A data frame, one row per name, with the following columns.

  • sheet If the name is defined only for a specific sheet, the name of the sheet. Otherwise NA for names defined globally.

  • name

  • formula Usually a range of cells, but sometimes a whole formula, e.g. MAX(A2,1).

  • comment A description given by the spreadsheet author.

  • hidden Whether or not the name is visible to the user in spreadsheet applications. Hidden names are usually ones that were created automatically by the spreadsheet application.

  • is_range Whether or not the formula is a range of cells. This is handy for joining to the set of cells referred to by a name. In this context, commas between cell addresses are always regarded as union operators – this differs from xlex(), see that help file for details.


examples <- system.file("extdata/examples.xlsx", package = "tidyxl")

List sheets in an xlsx (Excel) file


xlsx_sheets() returns the names of the sheets in a workbook, as a character vector. They are in the same order as they appear in the spreadsheet when it is opened with a spreadsheet application like Excel or LibreOffice.


xlsx_sheet_names(path, check_filetype = TRUE)



Path to the xlsx file.


Logical. Whether to check that the filetype is xlsx (or xlsm) by looking at the file itself, rather than using the filename extension.


A character vector of the names of the worksheets in the file.


examples <- system.file("extdata/examples.xlsx", package = "tidyxl")

Import data validation rules of cells in xlsx (Excel) files


xlsx_validation() returns the data validation rules applied to cells in xlsx (Excel) files. Data validation rules control what constants can be entered into a cell, e.g. any whole number between 0 and 9, or one of several values from another part of the spreadsheet.


xlsx_validation(path, sheets = NA)



Path to the xlsx file.


Sheets to read. Either a character vector (the names of the sheets), an integer vector (the positions of the sheets), or NA (default, all sheets).


A data frame with the following columns.

  • sheet The worksheet that a validation rule cell is from.

  • ref Comma-delimited cell addresses to which the rules apply, e.g. A106 or A115,A121:A122'.

  • ⁠type Data type of input, one of ⁠whole⁠, ⁠decimal⁠, ⁠list⁠, ⁠date⁠, ⁠time⁠, ⁠textLength⁠, ⁠custom⁠, and ⁠whole'.

  • operator Unless type is list or custom, then operator is one of between, notBetween, equal, notEqual, greaterThan, lessThan, greaterThanOrEqual, lessthanOrEqual.

  • formula1 If type is list, then a range of cells whose values are allowed by the rule. If type is custom, then a formula to determine allowable values. Otherwise, a cell address or constant, coerced to character. Dates and times are formatted like "2017-01-27 13:30:45". Times without dates are formatted like "13:30:45".

  • formula2 If operator is between or notBetween, then a cell address or constant as with formula1, otherwise NA.

  • allow_blank Boolean, whether or not the rule allows blanks.

  • show_input_message Boolean, whether or not the rule shows a message when the user begins entering a value.

  • prompt_title Text to appear in the title bar of a popup message box when the user begins entering a value.

  • prompt_body Text to appear in a popup message box when the user begins entering a value. When NA, then some default text is shown.

  • show_error_message Boolean, whether or not the rule shows a message when the user has entered a forbidden value. When NA, then some default text is shown.

  • error_title Text to appear in the title bar of a popup message box when the user enters a forbidden value. When NA, then some default text is shown.

  • error_body Text to appear in a popup message box when the user enters a forbidden value. When NA, then some default text is shown.

  • error_symbol Name of a symbol to appear in the popup error message when the user enters a forbidden value.


examples <- system.file("extdata/examples.xlsx", package = "tidyxl")
xlsx_validation(examples, 1)
xlsx_validation(examples, "Sheet1")